
Ebrahim Rasool
Advisory board member
Founder of OneAfrica.Org
Ebrahim Rasool was South Africa’s Ambassador to the USA, as the culmination of two decades of public service: He was Provincial Minister of Health and Social Services, and then Finance and Economic Development, in South Africa’s Western Cape province, before being elected Premier (Governor) of the province.
Prior to being a public representative, he was deeply involved in the anti-apartheid struggle as a leader of the United Democratic Front, anti-apartheid Islamic organisation the Call of Islam, and also the African National Congress (ANC). Since serving as Ambassador, he has worked extensively in providing thought leadership through the World for All Foundation, as a Scholar in Residence at Georgetown University, and as Senior Fellow at Rutgers University.
Rasool is the founder of the World for All Foundation, which aims to create a just, sustainable, and dignified world for all, safe for difference and free of extremisms.
He has served as a Member of Parliament in South Africa’s National Assembly and Special Advisor to President Kgalema Motlanthe.
He is an Associate of the Albright Stonebridge Group, the business consultancy founded by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright; founder of OneAfrica.Org, which fights Afro-phobia and advances African growth and cohesion; a former Chair of Western Province Professional Rugby; a Council Member of the University of the Western Cape, and serves on the board of the Maqasid Institute.
Rasool advances the African case for trade and investment through his business advisory vehicle, Ebrahim Rasool and Associates, and works globally through ASG and Dentons Global Advisors. Heholds a BA and Higher Diploma in Education from the University of Cape Town and has received honorary doctorates from Roosevelt and Chatham Universities in the USA. He is the author of the book ‘Living Where We Don’t Make the Rules’, and has contributed chapters and papers to multiple publications.